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Watch the Beautiful and Bloodthirsty Video for DEAD REGISTER “Don’t Fail Me”

DEAD REGISTER is a band whose sound is hard to define but soaks into your skin like baby oil after a long, lonely, rose-petal-filled bath. We’ve described them as post-rock post-punk and deathrock doom, but none of those labels do this Georgia band justice. They’re creating a sound that’s their own, and it’s a pleasure to listen to. They’re just finishing up with a new LP that we’re excited to hear in the coming months, but for now, they’re teasing us with a one-off to keep us hungry for more. The “Don’t Fail Me” single comes out via AVR Records on February 26th – pick it up here. Their brilliant video for the title track features puppetry by band members – and husband and wife team – M. Chvasta and Avril Che. Together, they painstakingly crafted and filmed the story of a man’s insatiable, vengeful, bloodthirsty rampage against the Crab Men who took his beloved wife’s life. The result is cinematically gorgeous, entertaining, and just DIY enough. I love it. I think you will too, so enjoy our premiere of Dead Register’s “Don’t Fail Me.”

’Don’t Fail Me’ is a standalone single recorded in an attempt for us ancients to stay active. Much like a nursing home trip to the mall for weekly early AM jazzercise. The song deals with feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy, death, compounding soul-crushing depression, mundanity of life, overcompensation, self-reliance, and ghosts.

We were not allowed to have friends in the year 2020. So, it was decided, since real humans can’t be used for the video, fake ones would have to be made instead. How hard can a puppet show be? It turns out, it’s a hell of a feat with a mere two-person crew.

Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

Sentient 51423

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