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The Evil That Some MEN Do…Emilio Morenatti’s Portraits Of Acid Dousing

To me, most of the time true evil is committed by people that see themselves as “normal,” and many times done by humans who see themselves as holier than most. Women are often on the receiving end of this type of evil, from forced female circumcision (genital mutilation), to forced suicide when their husbands die, to global domestic violence, to horrific acts of acid-dousing. The below feature is about women in Pakistan. As a father of 3 daughters, a husband, a son and a human on planet earth, I know that we should all stand up against the violence women face around the world! All of the evil bastards that harmed these woman should be executed, because humanity does not need them! This feature is from Library of Most Controversial Files.


What happens when a woman turns down a man’s proposal? As far as most of us know and romantic comedies go, it just really sucks for the man.

But in many parts of the world, where forced and arranged marriages are commonplace, saying “no” either isn’t an option or comes with horrific consequences.

The following Pakistani women were doused in acid for refusing to marry. The men who were supposed to love them for life disfigured them for life instead.

It was as if to say, “If I can’t have you, nobody else will.”

These images are part of a series by photographer Emilio Morenatti aimed at raising domestic violence awareness and giving long-silent victims a voice.

Morenatti hopes not only to highlight these monstrous crimes, but also to turn survivors into heroes who inspire global change.




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