Like many of you reading this, I spent a lot of my youth macrodosing. My teenage motto was “more is better” when it came to literally anything that could alter my reality at that very moment. The concept of using plants like mushrooms or weed or substances like LSD in small quantities to boost my mood and energy, or heal myself rather than abuse myself, just didn’t occur to me. Anything I got my hands on was for fun, not for medicine. The fact that I had no adults in my life to talk to me about drugs or encourage me to educate myself about them just left me with my own 16-year-old wisdom that boiled down to “get high!”
It took a few very bad trips for me to take a long break from psychedelics, but this past year of world meltdown has opened me back up to the idea of using them for medicinal purposes. I can take a capsule of psilocybin to mitigate my anxiety, feel a gentle euphoria, calm, and inspiration, and not suffer side effects like sexual dysfunction, headache, dizziness/drowsiness, diarrhea, weight loss/gain, suicide, or death.
Another psychedelic drug that has proven very successful in improving mental health when microdosed is LSD. However, our governments have outlawed drugs like LSD unless you’re using it to create a sociopathic supersoldier. But please, go ahead and that that drug that will take away your anxiety by making suicide a viable option. Or have a couple of drinks to relax — it’s not like alcohol causes sexual dysfunction, headache, dizziness/drowsiness, diarrhea, weight loss/gain, suicide, or death.
Today I want to share this documentary, Microdosing LSD In The Name Of Self-Improvement, from Germany’s DW Documentary.