It’s been 25 years since CRIMSON MOON were first birthed from the unholy womb of black metal, the solo project of Scorpios Androctonus, and this year they are releasing a new album in Mors Vincit Omnia. Coming out via Debemur Morti Productions on August 30th, the album is as punishing and scathing as one would hope for from a band with the depth of experience Crimson Moon has. Today we’re honored to share the title track with you – listening to this song is like stepping into a blizzard of razors. You can pre-order Mors Vincit Omnia right here (US) and here (EU) and here (digital), and now, prepare yourself for your flesh to be sheared from your bones when you hit play on this stream…
This was the first track written for the new album which brought a key part in deciding the cover artwork (Daniele Valeriani) and theme of the album. Although it is the shortest track on the release, it also represents the swift and sharp blade of the Scythe of Saturn. May the music serve as a reminder: Death conquers All, Death always wins.
– Scorpios Androctonus