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Black Metal

Triumphant Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal
Exclusive CVLT Nation Streaming: ABKEHR – “II”

The dawn of Abkehr‘s shadowtorn reality is here and we’re stoked to be a part of it today. This mysterious debuting German duo creates vast and soul-disintegrating black metal that will ravage your mind and cripple your senses. This is shit so negative and unfathomably desolated thats it sounds like it comes straight from the hidden gutters of the most helpless, hopeless, and cursed realm of suffering. There is beauty in this band’s music – a lot of it – but the band appears to devour all light and hope with its assassin riffs leaving any sense of splendor and grace laying in complete ruin – and with only a pale resemblance of light left, while all that’s left are the remains of every fucking shattered and devoured hope of this world.

Creating vast and shapeshifting songs of pure concentrated sonic affliction, Abkehr have condensed their passion for bands like Craft, Gorgoroth, Ash Borer and Mgła under their own black sign of total hopelessness and abjection, erecting a sonic monument to negativity and torment. Their debut album In Asche is slated for release as tape/digital on May 19 through Sentient Ruin (a vinyl release will be announced soon), and it’s a truly mind-bending and soul-crushing sonic odyssey to behold – a black metal monster spread across four massive movements of complete depressive black metal blight and of triumphant atmospheric majesty. Today we’re honored to bring you the vast and hopeless crush-depth of second track “II” – make sure you pre-order the tape and digital products from Sentient Ruin on their Bandcamp or store, and keep an eye out for a vinyl announcement coming soon.




Written By

Meghan MacRae grew up in Vancouver, Canada, but spent many years living in the remote woods. Living in the shadow of grizzly bears, cougars and the other predators of the wilderness taught her about the dark side of nature, and taught her to accept her place in nature's order as their prey. She is co-founder of CVLT Nation.

Sentient 51423

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