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CVLT Nation Premiere: Streaming Grey Widow / Sons of Tonatiuh Split

Peep this filth: Grey Widow / Sons of Tonatiuh have teamed up for a this EXTREMELY NASTY split. So what are you going to experience on this ride into feedback HELL! Two Grey Widow songs that with damage your ear drums for sure, one of them being a Leechmilk cover. Sons of Tonatiuh bring nothing but the hurt while serving up their crust-infused sludge. They actually knock out a Cavity cover and a Killing Joke cover on their side. This split comes out on Sept. 18th via Red Valley Records just in time for the Grey Widow / Sons of Tonatiuh  European Tour. CVLT Nation has been given honor of streaming this monolithic EP in full below and you can pre-order the tape HERE or the CD HERE. Also, stay tuned for our full review of this rad record…Until then, bathe yourself in the filth of  Grey Widow / Sons of Tonatiuh…


Photo 12-08-2015 13 18 46

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